Auckland Rowing Association (ARA) is the sporting body representing some 1500 rowers in the Auckland region – Whangarei to Mercer. The ARA was established in 1882 and it supports the aims of Rowing New Zealand.
At a recent Strategy Day (July 2021) we reaffirmed our Purpose, Vision, and key focus areas:
Our Purpose: To develop the capability, enjoyment and kotahitanga of our stakeholders through leadership and support.
Our Vision: To be the leading rowing region across all levels of the sport
Key Focus Areas:
– Unity: More collegiality between Clubs and Schools
– Coaches: Better development of and more support for coaches
– Development: Improve development of rowers with a strong retention focus
– Communications / celebration: Convey information better and recognise what the region is doing well
– Enable organisations: Provide tools to Clubs and Schools to assist them
– Regattas: Effectively deliver regattas in the region
Funding is like air, it is not our purpose to breathe, but it is essential if we want to make a difference. Our sponsors facilitate the development and performance of rowing in Auckland. We are incredibly grateful for their ongoing support.